10 Lines on Astronaut in English | 10 Lines Essay on Astronaut

10 Lines on Astronaut in English | 10 Lines Essay on Astronaut  

An astronaut is someone who has received specific training to fly in space.

NASA uses the term “astronaut” to describe any member of a space shuttle mission or any crew member travelling into space. 

Astronaut literally means “Star Sailor” in Latin.

Astronauts go through rigorous physical and mental training before getting a chance to go into space.

Astronauts have to exercise every day in space.

Yuri Gagarin was the first human sent into outer space.

Neil Armstrong was the first human to walk on the moon.

Valentina Tereshkova was the first woman sent into outer space.

The first person to go into space was a Russian from the Soviet Union. 

Astronauts are called ‘astronauts’ in English, while in Russian they are called ‘cosmonauts’.

When astronauts travel to space, they take all their food with them.

Astronauts need to wear a special type of diaper. 

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