10 Lines on Black Hole in English

10 Lines on Black Hole in English 

A black hole is a mysterious region in space where gravity is so strong that nothing, not even light, can escape from it. 

Black holes form when a massive star collapses under its own gravitational pull.

Nothing, not even light, can escape the intense gravitational pull of a black hole.

Black holes are found in different sizes, from small ones to supermassive ones at the centres of galaxies.

We can’t see black holes because they do not emit visible light, but scientists can detect them through their gravitational effects on nearby objects. 

Objects that get too close to a black hole are stretched and squeezed, a process called “spaghettification.” 

Black holes can slowly lose mass over time through a process called Hawking radiation.

The boundary around a black hole where nothing, not even light, can escape is called the event horizon.

But don’t worry, Earth is far away from any black holes. 

Imagine a point in space where gravity is super strong. 

They are fascinating to scientists and space enthusiasts. 

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