10 Lines on Butterfly in Hindi & English | तितली पर 10 वाक्य (लाइन)
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10 Lines on Butterfly in English
A butterfly is a day-flying insect.
Butterflies are one of the most beautiful insects.
A butterfly has six legs, four wings, two eyes and two antennae.
A group of butterflies is called a flutter.
Butterflies have four wings.
Butterflies are found almost all over the world except Antarctica.
The butterfly fills its stomach by sucking the nectar of flowers.
The butterfly is very beautiful and attractive.
When a butterfly is not flying, its wings are usually folded over its back.
During the day, we can easily find butterflies in gardens, fields and forests.
They are beautiful flying insects.
The female butterfly usually lays eggs on the leaf’s lower surface.
Like all other insects, they have three body parts: the head, thorax, and abdomen.
There are about 20000 species of butterflies in the whole world.
Butterflies use their feet to taste.
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