10 Lines on Govardhan Puja in English

10 Lines on Govardhan Puja in English 

1. Govardhan Puja is a Hindu festival celebrated in India.

2. It is also known as Annakut Puja. 

3. This festival is celebrated on the next day of Diwali. 

4. It usually falls in October or November.

5. The primary focus of this festival is the worship of Lord Krishna and the Govardhan Hill. 

6. According to Hindu mythology, Lord Krishna lifted the Govardhan Hill to protect the people of Vrindavan from Lord Indra’s wrathful rain. 

7. Various dishes and sweets are offered to Lord Krishna on this day. 

8. On this day, Devotees worship Govardhan Hill. 

9. Temples and homes are beautifully decorated. 

10. Govardhan Puja signifies gratitude towards nature, emphasizing the importance of preserving the environment. 

11. The Govardhan Puja is celebrated as the victory of righteousness over ego. 

12. It is one of the major festivals of India. 

10 Lines on Govardhan Puja in English 

1. Govardhan Puja is an important Hindu festival. 

2. It is generally celebrated after Diwali in October or November. 

3. The festival commemorates the episode where Lord Krishna lifted the Govardhan Hill to protect the people of Vrindavan from torrential rains brought by Lord Indra. 

4. This festival commemorates the day when Lord Krishna broke the ego of Lord Indra. 

5. Govardhan Puja is celebrated on the next day of Diwali. 

6. Govardhan Hill is located in the Mathura district of Uttar Pradesh. 

7. Every year, this festival is celebrated with great pomp.

8. People make ‘Govardhan’ from cow dung. 

9. Govardhan is also worshipped. 

10. Govardhan Puja celebrates faith, devotion, and the victory of righteousness over ego and arrogance.  

11. Devotees create a replica of the Govardhan Hill using food items like rice, sweets, and vegetables.

12. This food mound, known as “Annakut,” symbolizes the hill lifted by Lord Krishna.

10 Lines on Govardhan Puja in English 

1. Govardhan Puja is a special Hindu festival.

2. It falls after Diwali, usually in October or November.

3. People celebrate to remember Lord Krishna. 

4. Lord Krishna once lifted a big hill called Govardhan.

5. He did it to protect his village from heavy rain. 

6. It is an important festival in India.

7. Govardhan Puja symbolizes the victory of faith and righteousness over arrogance and power. 

8. Families go to the temple and pray.

9. It is a time for joy and togetherness.

10. This festival is celebrated every year in October or November. 

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