10 Lines on Monkey in Hindi & English | बंदर पर 10 लाइन
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बंदर दिवस हर साल 14 दिसंबर को मनाया जाता है, इस दिन को विश्व बंदर दिवस के रूप में भी जाना जाता है।
10 Lines on Monkey in English
A Monkey is an animal that mostly lives on trees.
A group of monkeys is called a troop.
A Monkey has four legs, two eyes, two ears and a tail.
Monkeys are omnivores.
Monkeys eat fruits, leaves, seeds, nuts, flowers, vegetables, insects etc.
Monkeys are very agile.
Monkeys are found almost all over the world except Antarctica and Australia.
The smallest monkey in the world is the pygmy marmoset.
Monkeys are social animals.
Monkeys are highly intelligent.
Monkeys live both on the ground and in trees.
Monkeys are very mischievous.
Monkeys use the hind two legs as feet and the front two legs as hands.
Monkey Day is celebrated every year on 14 December, this day is also known as World Monkey Day.
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