10 Lines on Ox in Hindi & English | बैल पर 10 लाइन
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10 Lines on Ox in English
Ox is a domesticated animal.
The ox has four legs, two eyes, two ears, two horns and a tail.
Earlier farmers use oxen for ploughing, for transportation and for haulage.
Oxen are Herbivores.
Oxen have been used by humans for many purposes.
Oxen are reared for doing agricultural work.
Oxen eat grass, grains and plants.
An ox lives for about 18-22 years.
However, in villages, oxen are still used for ploughing the fields.
Humans domesticated oxen thousands of years ago.
Earlier bullock carts were used for carrying goods and for riding.
They are useful animals.
There is no hair on the body of the ox.
Oxen were used to pull plough, bullock cart etc.
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