10 Lines on Zebra in Hindi | ज़ेबरा पर 10 लाइन
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Zebra का वैज्ञानिक नाम Equus quagga है।
10 Lines on Zebra in English
Zebra is a herbivorous animal, which eats plants and grass.
Zebras have four legs, two ears, two eyes and a tail.
A male zebra is called a stallion, a female zebra is known as a mare, and baby zebras are called foals.
Zebras are found in the African continent.
The scientific name of the Zebra is Equus quagga.
Zebras have black and white stripes all over their body and each zebra has a unique pattern of stripes.
There are three different species of zebra, the plains zebra, Grevy’s zebra and mountain zebra, all three species are native to Africa.
The most common species is the plains zebra.
The average lifespan of a zebra is about 20-30 years.
The face of a zebra is like that of a horse.
The zebra can sleep while standing.
Zebra is a social animal and likes to live in groups.
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